Saturday, March 5, 2011

Salamm..hai, not dead yet ye kawan2?juz senyap or ibarat sembunyi dlm gua..
this entry is for the Din...
i'm sorry i couldnt design more..
my hands are getting rusty,its been like years aku x wat design..
so,yeahh...i tried,and here it is..
sebab utk sekolah,mcm tanak wat giler(sumph aku gigil nk wat yg mcm gila2)
so,aku wat mcm simple2 je laa...lgpun if mcm the design is accepted mcm susah nak hembus dekat dinding,dh lm x goncang tin,spray ape tah lg la kan(kecuali spray nyamuk)
so simple and sederhana je lah kan?!
tawazun adalah amat digalakkan.. =)
p.s------- if i hv time,i will update this blog..okayh ye para klukers sekalian?
sorry biakan ia brhabuk setelah sekian lama..
aku tak berenti jadi graff artist,juz resting..hahaha..=)

~di sebalik gunung,ada sebuah lagi gunung kan? di sebalik gunung2 tu ada apa??~

so..cinta korang semua!! =),mdaytease///////out!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

haii sume...aku kat msU skrg!!! dan aku mcM babi sunyi!!!

slamm klukers!sory dh lm aku x update blog ne..
bkn ape,aku bz sgt dgn khidupn smp lp kat blog ne..hahahha
tp xbmksud aku lp kat korggg..
skng ms tgh taip post ne,aku kat shah alam..
aku further studies kat MSU,course hospitaliti n tourism management..
mmg bes msu ne sbb campus bru..
tp yg agak kecibaian is aku sunyi dohhhh
xd sp nk bwk smbg,xd sp yg segila Lan
xd sp lwk bodo cm din
xd sp macho cm eman
xd sp seotak cm hazruL..
tp xpela kannn..bese la duk kat tmpt org
hidup kLuKeRS!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

i'm backkk!!(^v^) Abooo

heluuuuuu....da saLamm!!
im backk!!
11th june ritu aku slmt smp kat Langkawi
after 3 grueling but subtle month at NS
Kem PLKN Tasoh,Perlis
dats where i dpt byk pglman..
evendo its ttp swit
mcm kopi xckop gulaa
3 bulan...3 bulan yg sgt bmakna
pandgan jd luas,kwan jmp byk
byk experience aku dpt..
jmp geng mcm2 pangai manusia
jmp 4 toikkk bsaudara
mkn pedas tiap2 ari,perang mulot..
pglman kn petik
para wira2 mogok sbb xdpt karoke(xadillll!)
kn dnda flight n encikk
jmp ustat wan trangtangtang malam
jmp org pangai plg huduhh,,dats is TOCHE
menang mcm2 kjohanan..cewaaahhh
aku la komando 91
hahahah...sbb aku penembak tbaikk
mcm2 la eksperience yg best
konklusiny adlh..

salam dr..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

aiiiiii!!! off to PLKN this 28th Marchh!!!

heyyyy!!!!!mis u guys!
da lm aku x bebel an?
so..mayb ne pos aku sblm p PLKN
aku dunno ah bl lg da ms nak bebel2
i hope kpd crew2 skalian
bebel lah byk2 ms i n tyeyz xda,p plkn aite?

tease will kill us all!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

angry angel...merahhhhhhh(not for sale!!!!)

ehhh...ganas x?
bju ne wat gn air brushh...
cantik kan die pny efek?
blaja lah teknik airbrush yg sbna..

Monday, March 1, 2010

the Klukers=Ku Klux Klan????!!!!
we didnt resembles the Klan!
we're purely a group of graffiti artist/art lovers!!
n of course da indiependant cultuRe..
i stress out dat not a RACIST crew..
we did'nt mingle at nite killing people wearing
dat Mask/hat or watever it is..

are not Murderes/killers/psycho

Saturday, February 20, 2010

love tree.......(^v^)

not for sale..
display sj...